Reviews For Split-Personality

Name: Grizziesmom (Signed) · Datum: 2011.03.03 15:31 · Für: Chapter 22: Some Confusion
I know there's more...I KNOW there's more...please write more!!!

BTW, in another review someone asked about English as your first language...looking for a Beta? I'd be more than happy to volunteer!!!

Name: Mia (Anonymous) · Datum: 2010.06.17 22:27 · Für: Chapter 1: A Confusing Incident
This is a great story is there gonna be more?

Author's Response: Yes getting the rest ready...real life has been in the way...Thanks for your review

Name: smitty (Anonymous) · Datum: 2010.05.08 10:36 · Für: Chapter 1: A Confusing Incident
Hi.  I know that Helio2 has beendown recently but I can not wait for new chapter.  Is there to be one soon?

Author's Response: Yes I have a new one I'll put up now that I couldn't put up and I'm going to finish the last ones this week.

Name: ThomasCWolfe (Anonymous) · Datum: 2010.04.25 15:22 · Für: Chapter 15: Isolating the Problem
This story has provided me with endless hours of amusement, and I'm not even a Jack/Sam 'shipper. The Daniel/Teal'c bits are especially hot. Please consider writing slash. Daniel has an especially erotic way of stroking alien boxes.

Author's Response: Thanks alot for your complement but sorry Slash is not my taste but there are plenty of good slash writers out there...There's a link to one on this site...Sorry to disapoint and if I was into it. It would already be there...

Name: mellowyellow (Anonymous) · Datum: 2010.04.25 15:19 · Für: Chapter 1: A Confusing Incident
God it's been two days since I have had my fix of Adelie.  When is the next chapter coming out? I'm suffering withdrawal.

Author's Response: Thanks for your praise and I hope to have the next chapter out tomorrow or tuesday

Name: chattykathy (Anonymous) · Datum: 2010.04.20 20:05 · Für: Chapter 13: Jack's Fun Little Experiment
Please don't take this the wrong way but is English your first language?

Author's Response: Yes...but I can't seem to find a beta reader who can help me fix my grammer...

Name: sammy (Anonymous) · Datum: 2010.04.15 08:47 · Für: Chapter 1: A Confusing Incident

hey, congrats on another great story, i love your work.

was thinking you should write one where jack rapes sam due to some alien influence or something?

anyway, just wanted to commend you on your work. always brilliant. ;)

Author's Response: Thanks alot I'm glad you like it so much and I always consider ideas from my readers that are given...

Name: Choda Boy (Anonymous) · Datum: 2010.04.13 15:25 · Für: Chapter 1: A Confusing Incident
oh yeah there was an episode of X-Files where this dude with no legs killed people while he was doing this astral projection thing so Sam in this story screws Jack during astral projections and i cant wait to see how she kills Jack by fucing him to death WIN!!!!!!!!!!!1

Author's Response: I forgot that because I haven't see the X-files inyears. Most men would love to die that way...glad you like it

Name: lulu (Anonymous) · Datum: 2010.04.10 13:04 · Für: Chapter 1: A Confusing Incident
is there gonna other chapters? I'd like to see how it ends and what's wrong with sam

Author's Response: I've got three up and there are more coming.

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