Heliopolis Main Archive
A Stargate: SG-1 Fanfiction Site
Reviews For Meetings

Name: martin (Anonymous) · Datum: 2008.03.27 09:32 · Für: Day One: The Introduction
I liked your story and hope you update soon. (I am very impatient i know but i cant help it)

Name: juli (Anonymous) · Datum: 2007.11.30 15:11 · Für: Day One: The Introduction
great story. i'd love to read mor about this.

Name: Unputdownable (Anonymous) · Datum: 2007.07.05 12:35 · Für: Day One: The Introduction
A very interesting first chapter. Makes me want to read more. I only hope that Mark won't become the super villain of the story. That would be too stereotypical.

Author's Response: I'm glad you like it. I'm not quite sure what's going to happen with Mark yet, I really didn't even plan to have him be so jealous in the first place, just kinda irritable. So we'll see where my muse will take it.

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